Audio Tone Generator Plus
"Audio Tone Generator Plus" is a new integrated sound signal generator app that can generate a variety of audio reference tones.
This app can be used in a wide range of fields as a reference sound source for audio system testing, sound tuning, hearing testing and more.
It is provided with four types of signal generators to generate sine wave signals, frequency sweep signals, chirp signals, and colored noise with octave band filter.
The latest version is compatible with iOS 18.2 and includes minor UI design updates. It also adds the ability to freely select frequencies when playing octave band noise.
It will help you to make the benchmark for your audio equipment and loudspeakers, your listening environment and room acoustics or your hearing. The signals created by this app can be best used in conjunction with external devices, such as an audio spectrum analyzer or a sound level meter.
Please to click the link below to visit the product page on AppStoreTM.
This app can generate the following signals.
This app can be very useful for a variety of applications including:
Top view has the operation setting area at the top, and the control area at the bottom.
In the control area, you can select one operating mode from Sine wave (Sine), Sweep signals (Sweep), Chirp signals (Chirp) and Noise signals (Noise) and Information view (Info). In addition, you can control the playback volume (Volume), Output channel (LR/L/R), Preset settings (Preset) and Playback control.
In the operation setting area, you can set the parameter of the operating mode that has been selected in the control area.
At the initial startup of this app, product information (Info) will be displayed, so please confirm how to use it.
- Sine: Sine wave signal generator
- Sweep: Sweep signal generator
- Noise: Noise signal generator
- Chirp: Chirp signal generator
- Info: Information view
SINE mode generates a pure tone signal with a sine wave.
By tapping the frequency button, you can set from 4 different frequencies with a single touch. Tap the Play button to generate a tone signal, and the Stop button to stop playback.
The sine wave frequency can be set in the range of 20 Hz to 21 kHz. Tap Frequency Monitor, keyboard-input the frequency you wish to set, and tap the Return key to confirm the value.
Preset frequencies can be set as desired. Tap the Preset button and save the preset frequency with the Save buttons (Save0 - Save3).
SWEEP mode generates a frequency sweep signal or warble signal using the sine wave.
The sweep signal produces a sine wave such that the frequency of the sine wave transitions continuously with time in a certain frequency range.
A warble signal is a tone signal that modulates the frequency of a sine wave around a certain frequency f0. This app generates a 1/3 octave band FM modulated signal in which the center frequency transitions continuously with time. Using a warble signal as the measurement signal can disperse the effects of echoes and standing waves generated at the measurement point.
By tapping the frequency button, you can set from 3 different frequencies with a single touch. Tap the Play button to generate a tone signal, and the Stop button to stop playback.
Tapping the play button generates a sweep/warble signal. Up sweep and down sweep are available.
The frequency can be set in the range of 20 Hz to 21 kHz. Tap Frequency Monitor, keyboard-input the frequency you wish to set, and tap the Return key to confirm the value. The lower and upper frequency limits must always be set.
Preset frequencies can be set as desired. Tap the Preset button and save the preset frequency with the Save buttons (Save0 - Save2).
Chirp signal is a sweep signal of very short duration. This app generates a short time sweep signal with a sine wave that increases in frequency with time.
By tapping the frequency button, you can set from 3 different frequencies with a single touch. Tap the Play button to generate a tone signal, and the Stop button to stop playback.
The frequency change curve of the chirp signal can be selected from Linear or Exponential.
The Chirp time is the signal transition time and can be set in the range of 0.1 to 1 second.
Furthermore, since the generation time of the chirp signal is very short, the Start delay time is provided from the time the start button is tapped until the signal is output. The Start delay time can be set within a time range from 1 to 10 seconds.
The frequency can be set in the range of 20 Hz to 21 kHz. Tap Frequency Monitor, keyboard-input the frequency you wish to set, and tap the Return key to confirm the value. The lower and upper frequency limits must always be set.
Preset frequencies can be set as desired. Tap the Preset button and save the preset frequency with the Save buttons (Save0 - Save2).
As the colored noise, it produces White noise, Pink noise, Red noise, Blue noise, Purple noise and Gray noise.
Select a noise type and tap the Play button to generate a noise signal.
White noise is a constant noise signal whose component strength in a unit frequency band (1 Hz) is independent of frequency. When viewed in terms of sound power over a frequency band of constant width, it increases with frequency by +3 dB/oct for higher frequencies.
Pink noise is a noise signal that is passed through a -3dB/oct low-pass filter relative to white noise. It falls to the right on the frequency response table as the frequency increases. It is a noise suitable for the purpose of evaluating the sound volume in each frequency band because the energy in each frequency band is uniform. In other words, pink noise is often used in acoustic adjustment and measurement because it has the same loudness in any octave band.
Red noise is also called Brownian noise or Brown noise. Red noise is a noise signal whose power spectral density descends 6 dB per octave with increasing frequency. It sounds more like an emphasis on lower frequencies or a softer sound quality compared to white or pink noise. In audio applications, it is used for subwoofer phase check and aging of low midrange speaker units. In healthcare applications, it is also used for sound masking in the treatment of sleep disorders, environmental noise and tinnitus.
Blue noise is a noise signal whose power spectral density increases by 3 dB per octave with increasing frequency. Because blue noise is biased toward higher frequency components, it sounds like a high-pitched hissing noise.
Purple noise is a noise signal whose power spectral density increases 6 dB per octave with increasing frequency. Purple noise is biased toward even higher frequency components than blue noise, so it sounds like a high-pitched hissing noise with no bass at all.
Gray noise is a noise signal that exhibits a power spectrum similar to the psychoacoustic equal loudness curve. All frequency components sound the same loudness when listened to by humans.
These noises can be output as burst signals (1 cycle, approx. 5 seconds). Burst signal can be selected from four different duty ratios (10, 25, 50, and 75%). When NoBurst is selected, continuous playback is performed.
# Burst signal cycle time: 5.12 sec (sampling frequency 48 kHz), 5.57 sec (sampling frequency 44.1 kHz)
In NOISE mode, Colored noise signals can be output as octave band noise. Octave band noise is a noise signal in which a frequency band is extracted in 1/N octaves (N is a natural number). It can also be used to measure and evaluate the volume of specific frequency band with respect to the octave band.
This app can output noise signals through a 1/1-octave or 1/3-octave octave bandpass filter using arbitrary noise as the source signal.
Tap either the "1/1 Octave" or "1/3 Octave" button to select the center frequency of the bandpass filter. Multiple arbitrary frequency bands can be selected. The bandpass filter center frequencies that can be selected are as follows:
Note: The default at first startup is 1000 Hz in 1/1 octave band and 800 Hz, 1000 Hz, and 1250 Hz in 1/3 octave band.
By tapping Info button, it is displayed the information view of product information and usage. If you return the operation, please tap the other mode button. At the initial startup of this app, the information view will be displayed, so please confirm how to use it.
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